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Automation solutions for wheel shops
Looking forward to improving the efficiency of your wheel shop and reducing manual operations?
- Automatic transfer of wheelset, wheel, axle and bearing
- Automatic loading and unloading
- Automation of manual tasks performed by an operator
- Automated guided vehicles
- Kick and rolls
- Rotary tables
- Wheelset lifters
- Overhead handling systems
- Wheel de-stackers
- Roller conveyors
- Tilting tables
- Wheel runs
- Overhead handling systems
- Kick and rolls
- Shuttles
- Axle lifters
- Axle racks
- Overhead handing systems
- Bearing management systems
- Roller conveyors
- Tilting tables
- Overhead handling systems
We also develop fully
automated wheel shops
automated wheel shops
Watch the example below: a fully automated digital workshop for ore car maintenance. It returns a repaired ore car back to service every 28 min.
More automation projects
Automatic wheelset manufacturing & inspection line
Installation of an automated production and assembly line turning out a new wheelset every 18 minutes.
Automatic wheelset maintenance workshop
Automated wheel shop for maintaining 100 freight wheelsets per shift.
Automated bearing management system
Automated system to unload pallets, measure bearings, lubricate and load infeed conveyors.