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DANOBATGROUP has been given the Award for Innovation in Advanced Manufacturing Technologies at the Spanish Machine Tool Biennial BIEMH 2016

June 01, 2016

DANOBATGROUP was awarded the Prize for Innovation in the discipline integration of Industry 4.0 concepts in advanced manufacturing systems at the BIEMH 2016 trade fair.

The group presented the following developments in the digital field under this 4.0 concept:

HMI - Human-machine interface, to improve the interrelationship man machine, through an environment that simplifies machine operation, includes support for programming and specialised machining cycles, facilitates the maintenance reducing down-times, and provides information on how to reduce power consumption.

DANOBATGROUP has been given the Award for Innovation in Advanced Manufacturing Technologies at the Spanish Machine Tool Biennial BIEMH 2016

DANOBATGROUP was awarded the Prize for Innovation in the discipline integration of Industry 4.0 concepts in advanced manufacturing systems at the BIEMH 2016 trade fair.

The group presented the following developments in the digital field under this 4.0 concept:

HMI - Human-machine interface, to improve the interrelationship man machine, through an environment that simplifies machine operation, includes support for programming and specialised machining cycles, facilitates the maintenance reducing down-times, and provides information on how to reduce power consumption.

Data system, a set of services based on machine monitoring and Big Data to analyse the machining process and machine behaviour. A tablet or mobile phone can be used to check the status of the machine and, if necessary, optimise the process or anticipate possible failures.

Intelligent components, devices integrated in the machine that, based on the information received from multiple sensors, act to improve the performance and precision of machines, optimise the process times, increase the lifespan of tools, etc.

Control system, a computer application for full management of production lines. This system is independent of the manufacturer of the equipment, and can be fitted on different types of machines; all information necessary to perform the given task is managed by the system: CNC programs, tools and tooling, etc. It can be included in other data management programs used on-site such as PLM, MES, ERP, etc.

The innovations were valued by a jury of 11 people representing Beaz, Bic Berrilan, Cdti Eide, Ergogroup, IHOBE, Mondragon Unibertsitatea , Osalan, SPRI, Tecnun-Universidad of Navarra and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

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