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DANOBATGROUP one of the first companies selected to participate in

November 25, 2014
DANOBATGROUP one of the first companies selected to participate in

DANOBATGROUP was selected during the launch ceremony to be one of the first 15 companies to participate in the initiative. is an initiative promoted by the Bankinter Innovation Foundation, in conjunction with ICEX and the Círculo de Empresarios, with the aim of helping Spanish companies to grow, and act as a motor for the national economy and the creation of qualified employment. Over the next 5 years will help 100 significant companies with a high potential to become large, through their innovation, competitiveness, productivity and internationalisation. The initiative will select 15 to 25 companies a year from sectors where their positive impact can have a multiplier effect, by applying criteria to evaluate their potential growth. aims to achieve its goals by combining the ideas, resources and talent of employees at leading companies to illustrate the best practice of prestigious and recognised professionals, normally only accessible to large companies. The initiative will cover the following areas:

  • Growth potential: Focussed on detecting and developing aspects that are key to company growth, as a motor of the Spanish economy.
  • Innovation and best practice: Focused on the innovation needs of companies, identifying and adapting Spanish companies to best international practice.
  • Internationalisation: Centred on the internationalisation process of Spanish companies, from corporate diplomacy to advanced market research, M&A, etc.
  • Talent: Aimed at the development of organisations, anticipating their growth and adapting them to the needs of a global company, attracting, developing and retaining the best talent. has therefore, in addition to its three promoters, been joined by renown organisations such as Accenture, AFI, AT Kearney, Bankinter, Deloitte, ESADE, Garrigues, IBM, IESE, McKinsey, Ramón y Cajal and Telefonica.

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